
At this time tomorrow I should be on a train approaching misty San Francisco Bay. Since I have lots to do to get ready for that, I’m not going to post much right now. I’ll try to have something more substantial up tonight if I can get everything done early enough. If not, well I’m sorry but this will just have to do for today. I’ll probably write tomorrow’s post on the train.

It’s a little sad that I’m so excited about this short trip. In days gone by I more than once left for other time zones on an hour’s notice, sometimes with no clue how I would get home. Once I called a friend who I heard was visiting a nearby area to ask for a ride back.

That’s all for now, though. Too many things to do to spend time reminiscing. Have a great day everyone.

About Leo Tarvi

Mostly fictional.

Posted on February 3, 2012, in Daily Post and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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