Monthly Archives: December 2012

2012 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 2,900 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 5 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

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A Festering Holiday Song

(To the tune of “O Holy Night”)

O holy crap
A shambling horde of zombies!
The walking dead are now
coming for your brains.

How can they move?
Their bodies are decaying.
They should collapse,
into piles of dead remains!

We try to barricade
ourselves up safely
in hopes that we can
make it through the night

Aim for the head!
Or else, they’ll keep advancing!
Reload while you can,
and maybe, we’ll see the dawn!

And if
I get bit
Please don’t…
Don’t let me turn.

Leslie Fish & Mrrrp the Magnificent

So judging by the length of that last post, I really shouldn’t let them build up like that. Clearly I need to write more often.

While I work on that, here’s something I’ve been meaning to share with a few of you, which everybody will probably enjoy. Three stories of Mrrrp the Magnificent, a cat who should live on in infamy if there’s any justice, as told by the remarkable Leslie Fish, who raised him as part of her project to breed domestic cats for intelligence. (And had to clean up the mess)

the pope on gender identity

So long as there shall exist, by virtue of law and custom, decrees of damnation pronounced by society, artificially creating hells amid the civilization of earth, and adding the element of human fate to divine destiny; so long as the three great problems of the century – the degradation of man through pauperism, the corruption of woman through hunger, the crippling of children through lack of light – are unsolved; so long as social asphyxia is possible in any part of the world; – in other words, and with a still wider significance, so long as ignorance and poverty exist on earth, books of the nature of Les Misérables cannot fail to be of use.


This is the preface to my Kindle edition of Les Mis, which I was looking at in anticipation of seeing the movie on Tuesday. It seemed particularly appropriate to this article about that vile old tyrant, the pope, attempting to be relevant by discussing gender identity and trans people.

The article is written by one Deacon Keith Fournier, who does not feel at home with the idea of writing for clarity. The formatting is odd, broken into three pages for no apparent reason and with a footer on the second page that makes the article appear to trail off mid-sentence. I found it difficult to tell whose words I was reading at any one time, as Fournier frequently quotes people who are themselves quoting others and makes poor use of the tools language and html provides for clarifying such things. I mention this as a pre-emptive excuse in case I mistakenly attribute one party’s words to another, not to nitpick the superficial weaknesses of the article, as the substantial ones are quite sufficient.

The title of this article is “Pope Benedict XVI Exposes the Profound Falsehood of the Philosophy of the Gender Identity Movement”, and perhaps the pope does so in his speech, but Deacon Fournier felt no need to relay this information to us, the readers. At no point in the article is the philosophy of any gender identity movement or movements discussed, nor is any falsehood established therein. In fact, it consists almost entirely of other people’s words, with Fournier occasionally chiming in to bemoan these “new rights” he is being “forced” to “recognize”.

To which I accuse him of, as the preface says, “artificially creating hells amid the civilization of earth”, because his wailing of the restructuring of society is because people who don’t easily fit into hetero-normative categories are insisting that they shouldn’t have to. Because the terrible burden they place upon him is their inclusion in anti-discrimination laws. Read the rest of this entry

NaNoWriMo update for the 49th of November

Not gonna lie, this is going slower than I’d hoped. But I’m making progress again and hope to have Chapter 3 up before the weekend. It’s interesting how ideas fade when you suddenly don’t have time for them, some plot elements are stronger in my mind now than they were before, while others are completely forgotten.

This is a shorter post than expected, because I just realized how late it is and I have to go! So take this as reassurance that I haven’t forgotten and will be working on it some more in the next week. Good night!

Happy Holidays

“Home for the holidays” is an interesting phrase to me right now. I’m in a transitional time of my life and I don’t really feel like I have a home at the moment. I don’t quite belong anywhere. But it’s still nice to see Mom & my brothers.

I feel like I have a lot to say on many subjects, so I’m going to make this a very short post and see if I can get some other writing done. But in honor of the holidays, I thought I’d share one of my favorite Christmas songs, “White Wine in the Sun” by Tim Minchin. It’s the only explicitly atheist xmas song I know, and since it’s written by an Australian it also has some bits that sound strange to those of us in the Northern Hemisphere.

But I think that whoever you are, if you’re reading this you’ll probably agree with the sentiment of this song, and with what Tim (and myself) finds really important about the holidays.

Whether you’re celebrating a merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, a blessed solstice or a sexy Saturnalia, enjoy your holidays. And enjoy the company of each other. It may not be true that all we need is love, but it certainly makes what we have far more enjoyable. Take care everyone.

Winter Searching

It’s that time again, time to dig into my site stats and see what search terms bring people here. This is a post from my phone, as I still don’t have access to a proper keyboard, so it may be a little shorter than most months.

As usual, search terms are bold while my commentary is italic.

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Supremes to hear Prop 8 & DOMA

No, sorry, that’s the Supreme Court of the United States, not the Supremes. But that’s the big news today, the Supreme Court will be hearing Prop 8 and DOMA.

As usual, P8TT has the details here.

So what does this mean?
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Blackberry app!

Coming out of hiatus briefly to plug a Blackberry app for this very blog! A friend of mine made this, and I’m just tickled pink that it exists.

If you’re a Blackerry user & reader of this blog, download it free here!

In other news, things have gotten a little sticky for me since my last post, and I don’t have a full computer with a proper keyboard at the moment. So, unless I see something that piques my interest enough to blog from my phone, it’s probably going to be quiet here for a while longer yet.

That’s all for now. Take care everyone!