Author Archives: Leo Tarvi

Outing the Kids

California Attorney General Rob Bonta issued a legal alert to districts across the state, warning them that requiring school staff to report if a student identifies as transgender violates the state’s constitution.

Tom Wait, CBS News

So begins a CBS News article written by Tom Wait, which popped up in my newsfeed this morning and led me to write this. The part of this that I want to focus on is this quote from the AG himself:

“We know what the data tells us — that 15% of transgender, gender non-conforming young people are kicked out of their home,”
“Another 10% are harmed physically by members of their direct family.”

CA Attorney General Rob Bonta, as reported by Tom Wait

I want to point out that nobody tries to contest this statistic, in fact it’s never mentioned again. Either it’s completely accepted by all parties or Wait didn’t bother to check it. And in Wait’s defense, this clearly isn’t an in-depth investigation, the article is notably light on details and I’ve probably spent more time on this blog post than Waits did on that.

I’m a poor researcher, but I have access to Google, and the results are pretty heartbreaking. Either Bonta was using outdated or California-specific data that I didn’t find in my quick & dirty search, or this is the lowest possible estimate, the cases that we definitely know about and can concretely demonstrate, and the real, harder-to-show number is much higher.

In a desperate attempt to stay on topic, I’m only going to link one of my search results. Here is the Trever Project’s 2022 research report on Homelessness and Housing Instability Among LGBTQ Youth. Here is a direct link to the PDF of the report. If you go to the Trevor Project’s website, you’ll notice that the first thing you get is a popup telling you that pressing the escape key three times quickly will get you away from the site, and they do that because a large part of what they do is provide support and counseling for LGBTQ young people, and for many of them simply looking up information on these issues could jeopardize their safety.

Let’s get back to the point. The controversy here is about school board policies that require school staff to report to parents about a student’s gender identity or pronoun preferences, and the specific policy being addressed within this article is from Chino Valley School District in southern California. It’s not entirely clear to me how they determine these identities and preferences, or how much time and effort they spend snooping into student’s personal lives instead of teaching them. I didn’t see an easy way to read the policy itself, though I may well have just missed it. Most of the reporting from last year used the phrase “asks to be identified” or “requests to identify” on the student’s part, so I suppose if a student simply asserts or demands such then there’s no need to report.

Something that I think needs more attention is that nobody seems to be claiming that there’s any real benefit to these policies. No, seriously, in everything I’ve read about them the only defense offered is that it’s a parent’s right to know, and it’s merely assumed that this somehow obviates the responsibility to protect children from abusive parents.

Getting back to the original CBS article, Chino Valley School Board President Sonja Shaw decided not to explain or defend the policy, but instead to attack the character of the AG.

“I think it’s clear that Bonta is showing his own insecurities,”
“He’s obsessed with power. He’s showing that he wants to be the parent of our children and he’s not doing his real job, which is keeping California safe. What is he doing to make them safe at campus by keeping parents out? It absolutely makes no sense.”

Sonja Shaw as quoted by Tom Wait

This is a fascinating quote, because it’s really obvious that Bonta is making kids safe by preventing you, Sonja Shaw, from telling people that have a 15% chance of making those kids homeless, and a 10% chance of physically abusing them intimate details that are none of your business.

Also, note the “power” mentioned here. Bonta isn’t assuming power for himself, or taking it away from parents. Hell, he’s just saying that the state constitution forbids tattletale policies like this under discrimination protections, and that he intends to enforce that constitution in his role as AG.
Also, let’s be real, these forced outing policies take power away from students and school staffmembers. You might argue that it’s not much and it’s power they only had in theory, sure, but it’s certainly not power that has anything to do with the attorney general or parents; it’s the student’s power to inform people of details of their personal life on their own terms, and the staff’s power to use their own discretion in sharing personal knowledge of their students.

Chino Valley Attorney Jacob Hiebert added that he doesn’t know the difference between “some” and “all”.

“What the attorney general has done here is to presume that all parents are abusers,”
“So, we need to keep this information from all of them and that makes no sense at all.”

Attorney Jacob Hiebert confusing “some” and “all”, as quoted by Tom Wait

Here’s the thing. A non-zero number of parents ARE abusers. A non-zero number of trans kids have parents who are abusers, and your policy intends to inform every single one of them of a new way to abuse their child.

What the attorney general has done is assume that 10% of parents would physically abuse their children is they learned that their kid was trans, and 15% would kick them out of the home. Again, my quick google suggested that those numbers are likely low-end estimates and it’s actually higher. (I suspect it’s much higher in Chino Valley, if the local school board is representative of the district.)

Unless you are prepared to argue that zero parents are abusers, you have to contend with how the abusers in your system are going to react to your policies. You have to figure out how likely your policies are to enable or provoke abuse, and you have to decide, ultimately, if the benefits of this policy outweigh that abuse. You have to make the terrible choice of how much child abuse your policy is worth. That is a hard damn choice, for sure. It’s not a decision anyone wants to make, but if you’re going to take your job seriously you have to do it.

More of my quick googling here. Chino Valley school district has 25,934 students. About 1.43% percent of children aged 13-17 are trans, according to UCLA’s Williams Institute, so that’s about 371 trans students in Chino Valley. 15% of 371 is about 56.

Sonja Shaw and the rest of the Chino Valley School Board are saying that this “right to know” that parents have is worth making 56 of the children in their care homeless, and causing physical abuse of another 37. At least.

Simply put, I don’t believe it. I think the cruelty is the point. I think the purpose of this policy is to weaponize abusive parents, and the general anxiety teenagers often feel about sharing their personal life with their family, to keep trans kids in the closet. Apparently if that means enabling child abusers, that’s a price they’re willing to make kids they don’t know pay.

I don’t understand why keeping trans kids frightened and in hiding is such an important goal to so many people, but it seems like pointless cruelty to non-conformists is a popular hobby these days.

Let’s wrap this up.

Shaw believes that this is a fight for parents’ rights, and she isn’t giving up.

“The political cartel has continued to show their cards and I think we just need to stand with our constitutional rights and we need to make sure we protect our kids together,” she said.

Tom Wait, CBS News

We’re protecting kids from the abusive parents you’re working so hard to enable, Shaw. We’re protecting kids from you.

A Little Bible Study

Last night I saw this posted on social media. I probably would have skimmed right past it, but that first quote jumped out at me and I thought “Wasn’t that Abraham lying to his son, whom he was getting ready to murder?”

So I did a little bible study and looked up each of those references.

I’ll be pulling quotes from the King James Version, but if you’d like to compare different English translations BibleGateway will show you a whole page of the same verse in different versions.

Read the rest of this entry

The 2020 GOP Platform, or Lack Thereof

I’m not sure how to introduce this thing, so I guess I’ll just lay this out. The GOP has announced that they’re not releasing a platform this year, and basically just reusing the 2016 one with heaping sides of “Yay Trump” and “Boo Media”. I just don’t know how else to summarize this.

I’m going to go thru this whole document line by line, (It’s only one page, don’t panic), but first here’s a link to it straight from the GOP website. Just in case that gets moved later on, I’ll archive a copy of it here. If you’d rather not download a pdf, I’ll be copying the entire substance of the thing into this post so feel free to skip that part.

Read the rest of this entry

A Runic Mystery

Those of you who know me, know that I like language and especially like writing systems, and if you know me really well you know that I have a soft spot for runes, particularly the Elder Futhark. So you will probably understand that this graffiti caught my attention.

Seven runic characters on a barrier to a broken escalator.

I’ve spent the last few hours working on it, and if this says anything I don’t have enough to figure it out. The leftmost glyph I can’t find in any version of the runic alphabets, either it comes from somewhere else or they made it up. The second from the left only exists in one Anglo Saxon inscription, the Ruthwell Cross, which is old enough that we can’t be sure whether the character was only briefly in use, or only used in that region because they had a funny way of pronouncing “K” when it was is followed by a secondary fronted vowel. The last two are jera in the Elder Futhark and calc in Anglo Saxon, I was only able to find those two specific shapes together in the
runic alphabet variant from Gothenburg in Sweden.

So whatever this is intended to mean, it’s not using a historical version of the runes. Seven unique letters isn’t enough to work out even the simplest substitution cipher, and if they’ve done something more arcane like made up their own language it might be literally impossible for me to figure it out. I mean, I still honestly don’t know if that first character is just made up or not.

But that’s boring, and I like to try to figure things out. So I dug out my old runic divination book, loaded up some likely meanings for that Ruthwell rune, remembered that in divination you read the runes from right to left, and assumed that the mystery glyph is a signature or initial of some sort.

I think the best interpretation I came up with was “Danger, the harvest of giants nears completion, seek the chalice, Signed.”

It’s both a very cool feature and a frustrating bug that broad symbolic interpretation is really wide open. I think I mentioned in my post about runic divination years ago that the handy part is you automatically discard the interpretations that don’t apply to you. Going totally in the dark like this, there’s just too many possibilities! And of course we can’t discard the idea that this person just liked runes, much as I do, and took a lot of drugs and felt inspired to write some runes down.

I’m going to ignore that possibility for now, though, for two reasons. First, because this is clearly writing, not just a doodle, and writing is always intended to convey meaning. Second, because on my way home tonight I saw jera, in the Elder style, (that’s the second from the right that looks like two offset angle brackets in that picture), painted prominently on a utility box. With dots to either side, which is important because in a lot of runic writing dots are used instead of spaces. So whoever painted it wanted us to know that it was meant to stand alone.

Look, this could easily be some kid who’s into old writing systems. Hell, during the more troubled years of my youth it could have been me. Whatever it means, I’m really curious about this, so do me a favor and if you see any rune graffiti, please take a picture and send it to me. I don’t just mean people in my area, either.

This is mostly pure curiosity, but there’s also a more serious possible explanation. One group of people, or maybe group of groups of people, who have been using runes and growing in popularity lately, is white supremacists. If this graffiti is coming from neo-nazis active in my city, I damn well want to know about it.

Take care everyone.

Antarctic Weather Control!

Ah, Infowars. You manage to be the premiere right-wing conspiracy theory group and also the best parody of right-wing conspiracy theorists at the same time.

I don’t remember how I stumbled across this video. I think it was on Tuesday, give or take, but I’m not sure about when either. I tried to embed but WordPress wasn’t having that, so you’ll have to follow the link if you want to watch it. Which is fine, they have a transcript there which is, frankly, easier to work with.

Let’s spend a paragraph or two describing the video.

Owen Shroyer is our host, and he begins by challenging us to call him crazy, call him a conspiracy theorist. Then he shows us an animated map of total precipitable water from August 9th. He narrates how there are two hurricanes forming in the Pacific, then a wave or energy beam emanates from Antarctica and suddenly the budding storms split and dissipate. Then we’re treated to a similar map from the same source around August 22, (he says “yesterday”, it was posted on the 23rd, and the world is large and has time zones) and a similar effect is described.

Then Shroyer and his guest, Professor Darrell Hamamoto, speculate wildly that since John Kerry went to Antarctica in November of 2016, maybe he’s connected to these events, and that there might be, and I’m just going to quote from the transcript here, “there might be a direct line that connects that facility down in Antarctica to the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington D.C., where the Obama Foundation is housed”.

Okay Owen, you’re a conspiracy theorist.  Read the rest of this entry

If you skip the paperwork, we’ll take your children.

Decades from now, there will be a true story. It might be a book or a movie, or both, or maybe something new that doesn’t even exist yet. But it will be a famous, powerful story about someone’s search for their birth parents, whom they haven’t seen since they were taken away as a child by the United State Government in 2018.

Mark my words, this will absolutely happen. The only uncertainty is how famous it will actually be. If I am still alive, I will do my best to make it more famous.

This policy is going to be remembered by history as evil. When it is remembered at all, of course; Americans have a knack for forgetting the uglier parts of our history. I don’t really have the energy to say much about this, it’s a painful subject to think about and also while I was preparing this post I learn that Attorney General Jeff Sessions it going to deny, or at least limit, asylum to people escaping domestic violence. I can only assume he’s trying to set a precedent to make it harder for his victims to escape. But a few things are worth saying.

First, this is evil, and cruel, and illegal in the eyes of any sensible court, and despite the repeated use of the passive “separating families”, I can’t see it as anything but kidnapping. But what really frightens me isn’t that a few sadistic assholes in power set this policy, it’s that so many Americans are willing to support it.

A significant number of Americans seem to honestly think that taking children away is an appropriate, proportionate response to people traveling without proper documentation.

That’s like evil witch in the dark fairytale forest level shit right there. Read the rest of this entry

Theatre Review: Dernier Cri

Saturday night I was fortunate enough to see Dernier Cri, Third Cloud from the Left’s latest production. I went into this almost completely blind; all I knew about the show was that it was about fashion and it was being performed in a private home. Excited by the underground feel, (literally, as it turns out. The performance space is in the basement.) I put on an ascot and headed into the cloudy world of high stakes fashion.

I don’t know if I made a good case for reviving the ascot as a fashionable accessory, but I certainly enjoyed an interesting night.

We began by finding the house. This was helped along by encountering other people who were well-dressed and looking vaguely lost. We were greeted in the foyer by the mightily overworked Esperanza Torres (expertly played by Carol Walker) and spent the next fifteen minutes sipping wine and mingling in what felt to me like a strange cross between a dinner party and a LARP. I really don’t know how much of the little pre-show bits were scripted and how much were just improvised, but we were already getting a feel for the characters well before we descended to the theater proper.

Dernier Cri is a very intimate show, and heavily character driven. I’m not going to bother with a plot summary; this play relies on the depth of the characters, and the sense of intimacy it creates with them to carry the audience along. I could easily imagine myself complaining that nothing happened had this been produced with less care and skill, because so much of the action is inside the characters’ heads.

But we get inside those heads. We feel the strength and vulnerability of these characters, their ambitions, their machinations, their insecurities. We get to know these people and that makes the small story feel big. All the little moments become important because this show makes a very successful effort to get us to care about these characters.

I’ll share my favorite part with you. There’s a scene where Silvio Quilombo (Carlos Barrera) is explaining his vision to the models. There’s low, rhythmic music adding a quiet intensity as he poses them one at a time with his cane, telling a little story to go with each pose. It’s quite possibly the most beautiful live art I’ve ever seen, and the final touch, the little cherry on top, is when Silvio, who has been carefully using only his cane to adjust the positions of the models, reaches out with his hand to take Aimer’s. Aimer (Jean-Paul Jones) had earlier made it clear that he generally dislikes being touched, and watching his face flicker through emotions, beginning with shock and ending with warmth, is the perfect capstone to this scene.

Dernier Cri runs every Thursday, Friday and Saturday for the next two weeks, until the Twelfth. At $65 tickets are fairly pricey, but that’s somewhat offset by food and wine, and you have an excellent chance to mingle with the cast and crew afterwards. Once the show proper ended we returned to the main floor of the house for a lovely buffet dinner, and most of the company joined us once they’d scrubbed their faces and changed their clothes. There was so much more than just the show itself that I feel simply calling it a play undersells the evening a bit.

If you like creative independent musical theatre, fashion, and intimate stories, and if you can afford the ticket price, I highly recommend this experience. Tickets are $65 per seat and can be purchased here.

Third Cloud from the Left is doing some very interesting, creative things, and while I probably won’t be able to see Dernier Cri again, I’m definitely looking forward to what else they have to offer.

Shards of Glass

So this morning I had a lovely breakfast at The Cove on Castro, an excellent diner that I strongly recommend, and then sat down at Twin Peaks Tavern to sip a Bloody Mary and write a blog post.

This is not that post.

I was making good progress on my writing, despite working on my phone, and nearing the end of my drink when I heard a wail from outside and looked up to see a man sitting on a little hard shell suitcase and screaming at whatever internal demons were tormenting him. Seeing people in crisis like this is a part of city life, and you learn to sort of tune it out after a while and just get on with your day. Which is pretty much what I did, I felt sorry for the poor guy and then went back to trying to find the perfect set of words to describe how a coat should smell.

A few minutes later, the window exploded.


Screaming Guy had swung his little suitcase into the big window, sending glass flying everywhere. He promptly took off downhill, and passed out of my knowledge. After a shocked moment someone pursued, but I don’t know if anything came of that.

Nobody was hurt, although the two guys sitting at the table right in front of it abandoned their drinks in case of glass.

When things had calmed down a bit, I realized that my blog post hadn’t been saved and was lost forever. So that’s been my morning.

Sunday Update: During the afternoon, I noticed a typo in that post and opened up the WordPress app on my phone to fix it. After making the change and updating the post I hit the back button a few times, intending to exit the app, and was suddenly looking at an earlier draft of the post, and found that the post had been unpublished and reverted to that earlier, barely started version.

This sent me into a funk that lasted well into the evening and has more or less convinced me that the WordPress mobile app is more trouble that it’s worth. That was two posts yesterday that I lost to that app!

Many thanks to excellent person Tadhg for sending me a copy of this post, allowing me to restore it properly.

Sick Daze

So here’s a quick update for anyone who’s wondered what’s going on with me.

Thursday morning I got sick. Really sick. It happened fast, at 8:00 I was thinking “That walk sure seemed to take a lot out of me”, and 8:30 I was nauseous enough to be certain there was something more going on, and at 8:45 it was clear that I wouldn’t be able to continue my workday. By 10:30 I was bedridden.

I haven’t been that sick in a long time.

There was a strange moment last night where I suddenly realized what day it was. I had fallen into this surreal, timeless world. My usual indicators of time abandoned me; sleep came randomly without the usual cycles, I couldn’t eat and had no appetite, I had no work or social obligations, and from my apartment (especially when all the blinds are closed because I’m sick) you don’t get more than “night” or “day” from a glance at the window.
So, I’m definitely over the worst of it. Hopefully my body has gotten rid of whatever bug caused this and all I’m feeling now is the effects of two days of broken sleep and almost no food. Last night I finally got about four hours of proper sleep, and I can definitely tell the difference between it and what I was getting before.

Deep in the night, when I was trying not to lie awake in bed, I passed some time by playing Stardew Valley. That’s a video game that’s mostly about farming, but also has a relationship game and a dungeon crawl in it, and possibly more that I haven’t discovered yet.

So it’s vaguely around 4am, I’ve gotten my first chickens, and I’m feeling like I was not given enough information to properly care for these animals. In particular I inspected them one morning and they were both described as “[chicken’s name] looks sad.” That’s all it gave me, and I found it very distressing. What does it mean that my chickens look sad? Is there some course of action that this is meant to suggest? WHY ARE MY CHICKENS SAD?!

I went to bed soon after.

So there’s my update. I’m not even close to 100%, but I don’t think I’m infected anymore. I’m going to cook some breakfast now, but I thick I’ll save the spicy sausage and just have eggs and toast this morning.


So today’s the day. Today President Obama hands over the office to Donald Trump.

My first plan for this day was to get a pizza and head to the bar after work, but more and more I’m thinking I’ll just head home with a bottle of rum. I might still order pizza, but I definitely need to drink tonight.

I’ve been saying for a while now that I think we’re really getting President Pence, and I may as well explain my thinking. The way I see it, Trump will have to either be a good little puppet for the GOP; or just be a loud, attention-grabbing figurehead while Pence does all the work of being President. If he tries to do his own thing, the Republican-controlled Congress will impeach him and remove him from office, making Pence the actual President.

He’s provided plenty of justifications for impeachment, they won’t have to work very hard to make it believable. Assuming, of course, that they even bother maintaining the illusion of legitimacy rather than just outright declaring that they’re removing him because he won’t do what they want. The veneer of government feels awfully thin these days.

Trump’s general lack of interest in actually doing the job of the President suggests that he’s going for “loud, attention-grabbing figurehead”. The rumor that Trump’s campaign approached Kasich for Vice-President and said the deal would be for Kasich to handle all domestic and foreign policy while Trump was off “making America great again” doesn’t help with this assessment. Well, getting attention is what he does best, I suppose.

Of course if I’m right about that, it means that for all the rhetoric about going against the establishment, the Trump Administration may well be the most establishment presidency we’ve ever seen.

Anyway, we’ll see what happens in the next few years. But I’m not going to be watching the inauguration.

Take care, everybody.


Hello everyone,

I hadn’t meant to be silent this long. I’ve written several partial posts, and early this month I wrote a complete post on third-party voting and protest votes that got swallowed by the great null, and I’m still upset about that because it was some of my best writing in the past few years.

Then the election happened. To be honest, I think that broke me a bit.

So here we are. We’ve elected a know-nothing huckster and a theocratic nightmare to executive office, we’ve handed both houses of Congress to the party of human suffering, and because the Democrats didn’t bother to fight over the Supreme Court appointment we can expect a conservative activist judge to replace the last conservative activist judge.

The Southern Poverty Law Center documented 701 incidents of hate in the week after the election. The “Alt-Right”, which I’ll remind you is just a re-branding of white nationalism, (yes, including actual fucking nazis) has been celebrating, and here in San Francisco there has been a palpable chill in daily life, punctuated by demonstrations.

I’ve heard several reports of young trans people committing suicide. I’ve not bothered to try confirming those, because I’m depressed enough already, but it’s worth mentioning that nobody found that hard to believe.

So what can we do about it?

First, find out which elected officials represent you. There’s an excellent tool for that here. There’s also some really good resources here, which is in general a site worth bookmarking for all the handy information on it. Get the contact information for everyone representing you, both the U.S. Congress and your state legislature, and make a handy list for yourself.

Then contact them. It’s actually pretty easy to make an appointment and see them in person, which probably has the best impact on them. Next is a phone call, and then writing a letter, and finally an email is still better than nothing.

I don’t know what your life is like, what resources you have and what challenges you face, so I won’t tell you how much to invest in this. But do something. Even if it’s just a form letter email that you change the names on and send out to everyone, that’s a hell of a lot better than griping on facebook.

I’m also going to echo the words of P. Andrew Torrez, from the Opening Arguments podcast, that if you only have health insurance because Obamacare forced insurance companies to provide coverage even for those with pre-existing conditions, you can make a big impact by making an appointment and looking them in the eyes and telling them how repealing the Affordable Care Act will affect you. Even Ted Cruz is not so reptilian that he’d be unmoved by looking at someone’s actual face while they explain that if the ACA is repealed they will die.

On a side note, if you’re not listening to Opening Arguments, you should be.

Get involved. Talk to your reps, even if you didn’t vote for them, even if their platform is everything you abhor. We have a representative government and it is literally their job to care what you think. Don’t be rude to them, don’t be defensive, there’s no need to even get confrontational; just make it clear where you stand.

Somehow we’ve forgotten that this is how our government is supposed to work. We get caught up in protests and big dramatic demonstrations, and those certainly have their place, but they mean nothing if people don’t participate in the government. It does no good to raise awareness if people, once aware of the problem, do nothing about it.

I’ll try to be back with more soon. I’m long overdue for a Constitution post, and also I’ve been falling out of the habit of writing, which must be maintained.

As always, thank you for reading, share your thoughts in the comments, and please take care of each other.

Buffy the Wednesday Night Slayer

So tonight I watched Buffy Live at the Oasis, a camp-drag version of the late 90s Joss Whedon TV show. I don’t think it was as accessibly funny as last year’s Star Trek Live, but to anyone who was a teenager in the mid-to-late 90s it was probably a better bet for a fun show!

The thing about Star Trek Live was that it appealed to Trek fans, which has permeated pop-culture to the point that almost everyone could appreciate a show based on it, while Buffy was solidly aiming for the nostalgia of a very specific time frame. And it really, really delivered!

From the music played before, during, and after the show, to the atmosphere of the show and the venue in general, to the clothing worn by most of the audience, (because really, they knew what the real draw here was), the whole outfit came together to bring people back to 1997, when the internet was still the domain of techno-geeks, music still tasted of Seattle grunge, and vampires were kinda wimpy if you could get a sharp piece of wood between their ribs.

My personal favorite bits were the glaring at the audience, daring any of us to disagree every time Buffy was referred to as a sixteen year old girl; the pitch-perfect performances of the Giles and Joyce characters; the way the character of Jesse was cut entirely out of the show with about as much impact as his death had in the TV series; and the fact that for all his handwaving and scene-chewing, the guy playing Angel still delivered a more nuanced and believable performance than David Boreanaz did in the first few episodes.

I’ll also give a shout out to the woman who congratulated me on how awesome I was after the show, and after being told that I wasn’t actually in the show went on to explain that I was clearly awesome anyways and started touching my face before finally wandering back off to her life. I may have lied to her and said I was married. But she definitely added to that sense of 90s nostalgia, harkening back to a time when people used to make me uncomfortable by getting into my personal space and touching me too much.


If you loved the TV show you should obviously see this, but also if you ever think about that general era, that time in our lives, or really in our culture, then you should definitely see this. The cast is fun, the themed specialty drinks are tasty, and the crowd is a blast! I suspect it’s not as broadly-appealing as Star Trek  Live,  but to anyone who lived thru the 90s it will be worth the price!

The show is at the Oasis on 11th and Folsom and runs Wednesday thru Sunday until The end of the month, with a special closing night on Halloween. Buy tickets here!

a lie built right into the name

So the opponents of Prop. V have almost convinced me to support it.

Let me back up a bit.

Proposition V is going to be on the ballot this November here in San Francisco. It’s a city-level tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, which for this purpose is being defined as “a beverage that contains added sugar and 25 or more calories per 12 ounces.” When you look at the list of things that are exempt it becomes quite clear that this is specifically targeting soda pop (I don’t even remember the last time I saw those two words together, let alone wrote them myself. Weird.) and other junk-food drinks. Diet soda, alcohol, and probably anything you think of as a healthy soft drink are not subject to it.

There are a lot of valid and interesting points of discussion to this proposal, and I think some good conversations could be had about it, but that’s not what I’m here to talk about. I’m here to talk about the campaign against it, specifically the mailings I’ve been getting that were paid for by No on V, Enough is Enough: Don’t Tax Our Groceries, with Major Funding by American Beverage Association California PAC.

That’s seriously what it says. Take a moment to appreciate that at some point there had to be a committee meeting in which people deliberately chose that name. On purpose. Read the rest of this entry

Article 1: Section 7

Welcome back! This took quite a bit longer than expected, things have been busy. Sorry about that.

Section 7 is getting its own post, partly because big things are happening in it, and partly because I’m getting tired of digging into the last post to see where I am. Maybe I’ll just start doing one post per section.

As usual, I am not an expert or a legal scholar, or even particularly bright. No law student should be using this as research, and any who do deserve the grade they get for it.

Anyway, here we go!  Read the rest of this entry

It’s so fast

Last night I went to see Speed of Light, the second play of Quantum Dragon Theatre’s inaugural season, and I’m going to go ahead and recommend it to anyone who’s ever stayed up late reading science fiction, or hungered for the next book. 33a8a9_2426413a0954409094334377f699489d-mv2

I’m saying book because the play reminded me an awful lot of classic SF novels. It has an old-school feel to it, like pre-transistor Heinlein stories. I’d bet serious money that Frank Herbert’s Dune was an influence on the playwright, too.

Speed of Light is set at least 5,000 years into the future, where humanity has spread to five planets and settled there long enough to develop racial distinctions between them. Two of those planets have now fallen to the Feeders, a mindless alien horde that devours all it encounters.

How, exactly, a mindless horde operates spaceships is never explored, and we may well be the victims of propaganda on just how mindless they really are. In a novel I’d expect some more exposition on that, but in a two-hour play I’m perfectly willing to let it slide, especially since there’s already a lot going on in here.

You see, traveling faster than light had been assumed to be impossible for thousands of years, up until people saw the Feeders do it. It then immediately became very important to figure out how it’s done, because the aliens are attacking a third planet and show no signs that they’ll go away after it’s been stripped of all life. Our story follows a mathematical prodigy who’s spent the last ten years working on this problem, and the people around her. Read the rest of this entry

Article 1: Part 3

Another weekend, another chunk of the Constitution. I’m going to try to stagger these with other posts, because if I let this project dominate my blog too much I think I’ll just get frustrated and abandon the project, and I’m finally starting to write with some frequency again.

As usual, please don’t mistake me for any kind of expert. I’m probably learning far more than I’m teaching, here.

Okay, let’s get a little farther in.  Read the rest of this entry

The new new problems

The biggest problem I have with writing these days is that the time I feel most able to really sit down and work on something is about the same time I need to be putting on my shoes and going to work. Seriously, that flurry of activity over the weekend started when I woke up early Saturday morning and took a notebook out for coffee. 

Apparently in my brain the best conditions for writing are an early start and hot beverages. 

It carries over, though. Every morning this week I’ve wanted to write something. Like I’ve got it moving again now and want to keep at it before I lose momentum. I’m posting this from my phone while I’m on the bus just to try to keep that going. 

Unfortunately that’s really all I have just now, something to try to keep the momentum going. I have things I want to write about, but they’ll have to wait at least a little longer. 

Honestly, I might have managed something quick during breakfast, but I saw a headline that read something like 8 students burned to death for blasphemy and had to go find something soothing to look at.