Blog Archives

Priming the Pump

I’ve actually been meaning to write here a lot lately, but there’s been this problem where I can only think of things to write when I’m unable to write them. If I manage to remember that I can scribble myself a note about whatever idea I’ve had, I forget it by the time I find the tools to do that. This has been happening to me pretty much my entire life, but it’s been really bad lately!

So I’m not going to write about any of the deep ideas that wander through my mind in the shower or while I’m drifting off to sleep, instead I’m just going to write out a stream of consciousness for a bit, so that I can at least get some writing done. Maybe I won’t produce anything worthwhile, but at least I can try to keep in practice.

Of course, because I’m me, I’ve managed to start a list of subjects while writing this out. Yeah, I don’t understand my mind either. Maybe I’ll write about one of those right after this, but first I’m going to share the search term that led someone to my blog recently, “false tarvi”.

Which makes me wonder, do I have an impostor? Or, from someone else’s point of view, am I the impostor? How disturbing!

I also had an interesting dream when I dozed off this afternoon, but all I can remember now is driving a sports car with annoyingly cramped cockpit conditions, and doing parkour after abandoning the car. Huh.

Anyway, now I’m going to make a drink and see if I can’t write something more substantial.

I miss writing in this blog. I keep telling myself that things will settle down again soon and then I’ll resume a leisurely pace of two or three posts per week, but there’s no sign of this actually happening yet. In fact right now it’s getting even less likely that I’ll be able to resume regular writing anytime soon.

I don’t think I’ve even written in my journal in months. Shame, really.

But such is life, and we press on as best we can. I’m stealing a little time now to share some search terms that I spotted in my stats the other day, when I realized the middle of the month had passed & I hadn’t looked at them.

So here they are.

leo tarvi photo

charles carreon

The first is pretty straightforward, though I’m terribly curious who was looking and why. I also wonder if they were successful, I haven’t gone out of my way to hide pictures of myself, but a quick image search takes a lot of scrolling to find one. And then there’s no caption or anything to tell you it’s me.

The second intrigues me greatly. It was clearly looking for these two posts about the Oatmeal debacle, and I wonder who was looking for my take on it.

Anyway, I have no time or energy to speculate much just now, but if you have any ideas or wild conspiracy theories, feel free to share them in the comments! Catch you later.

Searching for a decent argument.

I was going to skip the search term post this month. There was nothing new, nothing we hadn’t seen before, so I didn’t see any point in parading it around.

Then I logged in to blog about something else this morning and saw that somebody had searched for the entire first argument presented by Peter Saunders in his list of ten reasons not to legalize same-sex marriage in Britain. It’s a marvelously weird morning when you log into your dashboard and see this in the recent search terms bar.

throughout history in virtually all cultures and faiths throughout the world, marriage has been held to be the union of one man and one woman. marriage existed thousands of years before our nation began and has been recognized in our laws as the ‘voluntary union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others for life’ (hyde v hyde 1866). the un declaration of human rights (article 16) recognizes that the family, headed by a man and a woman, ‘is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the state’. it is not up to governments to redefine marriage – but simply to recognize it for what it is, and to promote and protect it as a unique institution.

Yes. I blogged about this last May, and seeing it again inspired me to take another look at it, not the whole list but just this one argument. Looking up his references makes me wonder if Peter Saunders has actually read the documents he is listing in support of his claims.

Read the rest of this entry

search term highlights

Been so busy I barely noticed that I missed my usual day. I thought about it once on the 15th and probably twice yesterday, but it’s only now that I have both time and presence of mind to do it. So here are the highlights for the last 30 days! As usual, search terms are bold while my comments are italic.

Read the rest of this entry

One quick search

Clearly I haven’t been posting enough lately, because my search terms this month were all pretty boring. Even depressing. So I’m just giving you my favorite this time, the one that made me smile and wasn’t pathetic.

strange thing with leo

My blog in four words. Have a good night everyone!

Winter Searching

It’s that time again, time to dig into my site stats and see what search terms bring people here. This is a post from my phone, as I still don’t have access to a proper keyboard, so it may be a little shorter than most months.

As usual, search terms are bold while my commentary is italic.

Read the rest of this entry

Another month of search terms.

Spending an evening with friends cooking and canning and drinking mulled wine is a fine thing, a good idea. Continuing until after three in the morning is less good. Then sitting down & chatting is probably not a great plan, but hey, you need to get your laid-back socialization in. But opening the bottle of blackberry brandy was clearly a bad idea.

That was Wednesday night. Yesterday one of these people there fell ill, and today I’m feeling sick. At least there’s rain to cheer me up!

If you’re thinking that I’ve missed my search terms, fear not! I didn’t get the post written yesterday, but I did get the search page loaded up with the proper 30-day period listed. So the post is a day late, but the terms are correct! I’ll be skipping the repeats unless I think of something to say that makes me laugh, and as usual the search terms are bold while my commentary is italic.

Read the rest of this entry

Blah blah search terms blah blah

It’s the 15th again, and the means search terms. This one is going to be pretty short, because almost all of them were slight variations on stuff I see every month. In fact I almost just skipped it this month entirely, but there were just enough interesting ones that I’ll do it. This particular monthly exercise may not last much longer, though.

As usual, search terms are bold while my commentary is italicRead the rest of this entry

Another month of search terms

I’m really sick of the heat. I’d like to write more, but I’m just constantly exhausted these days. From the moment I wake until I finally fall into a fitful sleep. Blah. The local weather being what it is, I’ll probably still be feeling this way when I serve up next month’s search terms, but it should start to cool off before the month after that. I don’t have a problem with summer itself, it just wears out its welcome, that’s all.

Anyway, mostly this month we have repeats. I’m trying to cut down on the feedback effect, so I won’t be showing most of those. Still haven’t worked out how to exclude a category of posts from search engines. Annoying.

Let’s do this, as usual the search terms are bold while my comments are italicRead the rest of this entry

Search terms? In this heat? Of course!

It’s hot, really hot. That’s the only excuse I have for not writing more lately, but seriously it’s 107 degrees today and that’s part of a cooling trend this week.

Anyways, today’s the 15th, and that means search terms. I’m losing my enthusiasm for this monthly post because it’s creating a feedback loop, things that turn up once are more likely to turn up again as I keep adding more references to it. It’s apparently possible to add code that will except certain categories from Google and other search engines, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to do that.

So anyway, I’m going to skip the ones that have already been here over and over, and focus on terms that are new or that I think are interesting. As usual, search terms are bold while my comments are italicRead the rest of this entry

Searching for better searching

Running a little late on my search terms post this month, but I do have the proper list. I’ve been getting a feedback loop on certain topics. Every time they’re included in a search term list that I post, they become more likely to turn up in someone’s search. Been trying to work out a way to exclude the search term posts from indexing, which is taking longer than I expected. In the meantime I’m just going to skip terms that I’ve seen over and over.

As usual, searches are in bold while my commentary is italicRead the rest of this entry

Too hot to sleep, write, or think. But there must be search terms!

So it’s the fifteenth again, time to take a look at the search engine queries that lead people to my blog. Haven’t been feeling up to much writing lately, I think the heat’s been roasting my mind. Plus most of the stuff that I feel I have something to say about is really, really depressing.

Anyway, let’s get this done. As usual, the search terms are bold while my commentary is italic. Read the rest of this entry

history of search terms how start

It’s the 15th, and I’m glad. Those huge posts I wrote during the last week wiped me out. As always on the 15th, here’s the list of search terms that brought people to my blog over the last 30 days.

Remember search terms are bold while my commentary is italicRead the rest of this entry

Search term adventures (in tights!)

Once again it’s the fifteenth, so let’s take a look at what people are typing into search engines that lead them here. As usual, the search terms are bold while my commentary is italic. Read the rest of this entry

Search the Ides of March

Great to see you everybody! Did you all bring your knives? Julius should be here in a little while, he’s going to be so surprised! While we wait, here are the search engine queries that led people to my blog over the last 30 days. As usual, search terms are bold while my commentary is italic. Read the rest of this entry

We search for things. Things to make us blog.

It’s the 15th again, so today we’ll be looking at my search stats for the last month. Haven’t you always wondered what people type into Google that might lead them here? Now you’ll know!

As usual, the search terms are in bold while my commentary is italic. Read the rest of this entry

In search of

It’s the 15th of the month again, and that means it’s time to look at my site stats for the last 30 days. Of course when I say site stats, I really mean the search terms, because everything else, while useful info, is a little boring.

So here’s what people searched for that led them to my blog over the last month. As usual, search terms are in bold, while my comments are italic. Read the rest of this entry